FAQ - general

What should I do if I would like help with the renovation?


FAQ – Painting work

What does the landlord require from painting work?

Can I take care of the painting myself?

What do you typically do with painting during a renovation?

FAQ – Flooring

What does the landlord require from floor sanding?

Can I be responsible for sanding the floors myself?

What is typically made of floor work?

FAQ – Cleaning work

What does the landlord require from moving cleaning and window cleaning? 

Can I take care of my moving cleaning and window cleaning myself? 

What do you typically do when cleaning and cleaning windows?

FAQ – Moving contents

Where do you move from and to?

How much does moving furniture cost?

Am I fully insured by using you to move household goods?

How early should I book my move?

Is there anything else you need to know if I need moving help?

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