Eviction report - rules - the Tenancy Act

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At Udflytningsgaranti.dk, we offer a professional review of the eviction report for both private and business customers. An eviction report is a detailed review of a home or business premises, which documents any damage or deficiencies. 

This report is important when you are moving out of a home, either because you are going to sell it or rent it out, as it provides an overview of any repairs or renovations that need to be carried out before the next move-in.

Avoid one after-calculation when moving out with relocation guarantee. Contact us here.


Get 5% – 10% discount on the moving home and the new home, if both homes are to be renovated. Contact us and hear more. 

We will repair your tenancy and you will get your entire deposit back. Pay us only when you have the deposit in your account.

Contact us for renovation upon moving out.

Preparation of an eviction report can take place in several ways

An example: When preparing an eviction report at Udflytningsgaranti.dk, our skilled craftsmen carefully examine your home or business premises and note any damage or defects. In addition, we also offer to carry out the necessary renovations, so that you can have a well-kept home or a well-kept business premises when you have to move out.

In order to offer the best possible service to our customers, we also offer a number of other services, such as painting work, floor sanding and cleaning. This way, you can get everything you need to get your home or business ready for move-in, all from one place.


If you need to move, we also offer to be yours moving company to help you move your things from your old home to your new one. We have a team of experienced movers who ensure that your things arrive safely at the new home

Our services

  • Door and wall restoration: We offer professional door and wall restoration, including painting, sanding, damage repair and priming.
  • Painting work: We offer professional painting of doors and walls in all rooms in your home, as well as exterior painting of your house.
  • Floor sanding: We offer floor sanding of wooden floors and other types of floors, so you can get a nice and uniform result.
  • Cleaning: We offer professional cleaning of your home so that you can move into a clean and tidy home.
  • Moving company: We offer a moving company to help you move your things from your old home to your new one.
  • Assistance with eviction reports: We offer to assist you professionally in the review of the eviction report, which documents any damage or deficiencies in your home.

Contact us today to get a quote for an eviction report or to find out more about our other services. We look forward to helping you get your home or business premises ready for moving.

Eviction report - rules - the tenancy law

An eviction report is a detailed review of a home or business premises, which documents any damage or deficiencies. This report is important when you are moving out of a home, either because you are going to sell it or rent it out, as it provides an overview of any repairs or renovations that need to be carried out before the next move-in. There are a number of rules that apply to eviction reports, which it is important to be aware of:

  • Eviction reports are usually prepared by an impartial third party, e.g. a construction expert or a moving company. 
  • The move-out report must be drawn up before moving out, so that any repairs or renovations can be carried out before the next move-in.
  • The eviction report must be signed by both parties.

Deposit returned - and eviction report and inspection

Deposit Back is a reliable service that gives landlords and tenants a safe and hassle-free way to handle security deposits eviction of tenancy. With Deposit Back, tenants no longer have to worry about losing their deposit, and landlords can be sure of receiving what they are entitled to.

An important part of this service is our guarantee, which ensures tenants that they are ready to move when they stand at the agreed move-out date. Our guarantee is in accordance with the rules of an eviction report, which is an important part of the tenant's and landlord's rights and obligations when moving out. We know the relevant rules and make sure to comply with them, so that both tenants and landlords can be sure of fair treatment.

So if you are a landlord or tenant and want to avoid the hassle of a deposit and unexpected costs when moving out, Deposit Back and our guarantee are the right solution for you. Contact us today to find out more.

Read also about: Eviction report commercial tenancy

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